So often the canal was our salvation on those hot summer noons when we were able to take a break from our work in the bean patch, or cornfield or just helping out with other varied chores. The water was always cold and clear and it was refreshing to wade, doggie-paddle or splash in. Yes, there were many water fights. We went back to work with wet clothes drying on our bodies and it was so cooling and relaxing.
(Later, as a Nursing student, I let our
Psychiatric Nursing Instructor wrap me in wet sheets and then put a blanket over me and let the sheets dry. That procedure was at one time used to tranquilize agitated patients and she wanted to demonstrate how effective it was. I already knew. It really does work!)
One lunchtime in particular stands out in my mind, the day my cousin, Margaret, along with my sister and I had a contest at the canal. To find out more, find this box. It is not a contest that would immediately come to mind.

1. Start at the junction of Canyon Road & 2900 East . There is room enough to park near the sign. Once again, look all around you. This land was once all part of 30 Oaks Ranch. Time changes all, nothing remains the same.
Walk down the bike path to the beginning of the fence. To your south-east you should be able to see a pretty hammered Mountain Bell sign next to a barbed-wire fence. Go there. From near that vantage point you will be able to see where the old bean field was, and perhaps you can hear the canal, but at present there are just too many trees and greenery to actually see it. Just a little to the north along the edge of the drop-off, you may be able to get a glimpse of But Pond.
Stand facing the sign and look down and to your right. You will see a rock under which is the box.
Enjoy the box and the contest. Too bad there are not enough such things around anymore for anot
her contest like that.
Happy Boxing.
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