The Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Fernley is at 14 Veterans Way. (This is on the North side of Highway I 80 Off Truck Inn Way. We walked around this cemetery just a day before Memorial day and found it a most interesting place, particularly beautiful with all the flags flying.
Stand in front of the Cemetery and face south. You should be able to see a much smaller cemetery to your right in the south-east. Go there. It is Fernley Desert Memorial Garden.
Find the covered arbor -like chapel in the center of the cemetery on the south side. There should be a huge 3 branched tree in back of it. All the interesting stones in the photos below are found between that row and the west fence-line.

Now find 3 bunnies with a Knome standing near them. You will also see 3 wooden crosses with a rock cross conecetd to the center cross, sort of like its shadow. Start counting from the first tree behind the knome. After the 31st tree, you should see a space with a small headstone in it. Continue north on the tree-line until you can go no further. Find the stone that says, "Donated by Charles & Pearl Waller."
The box is hidden in the 2nd tree on the on the left if you are facing this stone.
Believe me this is very good advice. Enjoy. ---- PhotoGram
Taking my daughter out on a Letterboxing quest this weekend for Brownies. So glad there's one here in town. Thanks for the clues!!!!!