Up until I started doing this series, I always
considered any dandelion that was closed to be a bud. Not so. The bud is tightly closed as in this photo. Once the flower has bloomed it closes at night and looks similar to a bud, but it is now called a floret. Sometimes you will be able to see a little of the yellow flower at the end of the floret and at other times you can see the white parachutes at the end of the floret. Very interesting, I think.
1. Park in the lower parking lot at Bywater Park and find the Spanish "Blue Baby" on top of the red brick structure. The baby will be facing the south-east. Start from there.
2. Look for the plaque that tells who the ball park is dedicated to and named for. Note the year of his birth as you will need to know it in order to find the bonus connected to this box.
3. Go to the nearest red light pole.
4. Walk south on the walkway until you have passed two sets of stairs,
the first on the right and the 2nd on the left.
5. Continue walking until you run into another set of stairs, climb, turn 180 degrees and stand under the nearest tree.
6. The box is buried under the west end of a fallen log that is partially hidden in some low shrubs.
Enjoy the box and replace carefully.

NOTE: I am putting the clues to the bonus box here because they keep getting lost. I live too far away to keep replacing them. Enjoy!
ABCDEFG stands for "A Bonus Cache Designed Especially For Grandchildren", ( anybody's grandchildren). This series will not have logbooks, just stamps and sometimes, surprises. Enjoy!
1. after you have found the necessary letterbox cross the park roadway west and go to the winding cement walkway near the fence.
2. Continue on the walkway going North until you see a black hole in the sidewalk. Keep Going.
3. Stop when you come to a piece of rusted metal that goes across the sidewalk and is about 1 foot wide. Stop there and remember the date you were told to remember when finding the other box.
5. Count north the number of sidewalk cracks as is in the second number of the date. Turn to your left and walk to the fence. Count 4 metal fence post north.
6. The box is hidden at the base of the next fence pole north. (At the moment the entire post is covered with Ivy.
Enjoy and don't smear your lipstick.
1. after you have found the necessary letterbox cross the park roadway west and go to the winding cement walkway near the fence.
2. Continue on the walkway going North until you see a black hole in the sidewalk. Keep Going.
3. Stop when you come to a piece of rusted metal that goes across the sidewalk and is about 1 foot wide. Stop there and remember the date you were told to remember when finding the other box.
5. Count north the number of sidewalk cracks as is in the second number of the date. Turn to your left and walk to the fence. Count 4 metal fence post north.
6. The box is hidden at the base of the next fence pole north. (At the moment the entire post is covered with Ivy.
Enjoy and don't smear your lipstick.
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