Thursday, August 25, 2011

Rush in the Rushes

Yesterday we had to make a trip to Nephi, so I looked to see if there were any boxes in that area that we could find. Therewere not at all.
So, I found a fairly suitable stamp I had carved for something else, quickly put a box together and we planted it on our way.
1.- Turn Off I-15 at Mona and follow map to Burraston Ponds. (Gold Star)

2.- After entering the Ponds stay to the right until you pass the monument that is surrounded by 8 large red boulders.

3.- Just beyond the monumen
t turn to the left and park in the rounded ares near the ponds. The View to the north west should look like photo two.

4.- Now find the tree that has at least 7 branches off the main trunk.

5/- Turn to the South and take 28 steps. (Not paces - just steps)

6.- Now turn right and take 6 steps.

7.- You will find the box planted in the center of a large bush. You should be able to see some tall poplar trees across the pond from where it is planted. If you look to the east you should see the afore mentioned monument.

Good luck and Happy Trails. Enjoy!

Friday, August 19, 2011

I love Letter-Boxing

This box was originally planted as a bonus box with clues in another box. Both boxes came up missing.

Place. W350 North Geneva Road, Provo, Utah. Park in trail parking lot on west side
of road and walk west on the Provo River Trail.

Look for the place in photos.Desert Grandpa says a beast is guarding our box. He manages to see all kinds of things in nature, many of which no one else in the family can make out. This beast, however, really does look like a beast -- even to me, so I believe you will be able to recognize it when you see it.

If not ---the tree trunk is about as gnarly as any I've seen,
particularly on this trail.

The box, made for Boxing Day 2009, is plated in the root system at the base of the gnarly trunk on the north side.

PLEA to finder -- I believe I also put a hitchhiker there, but cannot for the life of me recall which one. (Oh, the fun of senility!) Let me know, will you?


Good luck and Enjoy.